

When working with App Engine's task queues, it may be confusing to understand where and how a particular task is being executed. If working with different versions and modules, things can get confusing fast. Fortunately task queue processing is fairly simple if you keep a few things in mind. There are two main components with using task queues; the queuing of the task with arguments and the execution of the task. In general, this article will focus primarily on push queues.

Enqueue Task

Push-tasks are queued by using the taskqueue.add() function or by creating a Task object and calling its add function. A push task almost has the same properties as a request object with some additional routing information. When you enqueue a task, you define all the parameters of the task such headers, payload, method, url and params; properties you would find in a request object. In addition, you can also specify other properties such as eta, countdown and whether the task is transactional. For routing, you can specify a task target when calling the .add() function. This parameter will be prepended to the hostname when the task is created. For example: if your application name is "my-app" and you specify a target value of "my-version", the url that will be used to execute the task will be:

To target a specifc version of a module, you would set a target value of "" and the url that will be used in the task will end up being:

Please keep in mind that if you are queuing a task defined in queue.yaml and the named queue in queue.yaml is configured with a target property, your specified target value when you make the .add() function call will be ignored.

Task Execution

The key thing to remember about tasks in push queues are that they are simply requests to your application's task endpoint. This means that they must follow the same rules as any other request including abiding by dispatch.yaml routing rules and instance.version.module hostname conventions.

If a target is not specifed when a task is added to a queue, the task will be executed in the same module/version where the task was enqueued unless it becomes rerouted by queue.yaml or dispatch.yaml.


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